Wednesday, September 29, 2010

African Evolution

Good Day,

Am Joel and am one of the voices that people will be listening to, for time to time now. Because there is a purpose my standing here in front of you. And my purpose is let you and you and you, know that there is an opportunity given to us to change the course of our life but not only ours but also those of our children and the children of our children and for many generations to come.

Great men and leaders, of whom we were forced to learn about, have made their time and their impact for their generation of which they lived for. Am not talking about the Americans or Europeans, Asians, great leaders of whom children of nowadays boost themselves of. Let’s say George Washington, who fought for a really free country of which he had a greater vision but let his followers continue because he knew that the legacy he left would be like a bench mark for those who will come after him. And so and on, each president coming to the white house tried to be better than the previous one in office. And I say that is the type of legacy that we should be looking forward to in Africa.

We also had great leaders here in Africa namely: Kwame Nkrumah, Patrick Lumumba, and so on, all we talk about them is independence and how it came about. Let say these first leaders really fought for us and be much grateful for their achievements because if it were not because of them we wouldn’t be here in this freedom we enjoy, but their great story stop there.

I want to ask a question to all of you: Why are we not better economically placed with the natural resources and the agricultural benefit we enjoy? I am sure the most popular answer will be: ”we do not have good governance? Or we don’t know how to manage? Or maybe and what comes more now, is that, the white people have contracted these resources for centuries with the first leaders, so we can’t have good hold of what we really can get?

Now the questions we should be asking ourselves is if governance is the problem then why have we been voting the same type of people into power, we know the routine of these politicians. They will come to your doorsteps and present your problems and the available solutions that they will put into place if you vote for them.
Everybody will collide with me on the fact that if we want something we got to fight for it. And once we have it, we can then do what we want with. Great leaders fought for what they define as a goal for themselves and the generation to come at their time?
Will someone tell me which government in Africa did better than any previous one they follow and if yes what are their milestones.
Don’t tell me because, you build more roads, hospitals or highways I have to vote for you for another term in order for you to finish because the roads you are claiming on constructing never get finished and these hospitals are always under construction. But let me judge you base on the number of programs that you have implemented out of what you presented to me.
In order to change the African lifes we have to start changing the way we think and the way perceive things. Because these politicians will always bribe you with 10 or 20 % of their income to get re-elected and get served on his table with chickens and meat of different kind of food that you may have never heard of that could cost 200% the money they took to bribe you.
That’s how it is. Each leader we vote should fight for the country interest and not their as it has been going on for decades now. And we, the people should be the watchdogs. Laws are made for the people and by the people. Let’s say we vote a law that says that before someone contests for presidency, it should be found in his background that he has fully served his country by serving and bringing something positive to the country like a company that is employing number of people. That will trigger patriotism in their doings.

Deciding for our futures should only depend on us. Why do we have to consult white people before we could do one thing or the other? Meanwhile they don’t consult anybody before doing anything.

Let’s change our way of living and see the way we should impact our world for my children and your children to enjoy a better country and a better future and let us above all set a good legacy that will help our children continue where we finished.
